Spy Who Loved Me, The (1977)
Original British Quad (30 X 40 Inches)
This is the rarer Seiko Watch style British Quad for one of the finest of the Roger Moore-era James Bond films. This time 007 teams up with Russian Agent "Triple X," the beautiful Major Anya Amasova (Barbara Bach) to thwart the plans of Karl Stromberg (Curt Jurgens), intent on starting a nuclear war to remake the world in his own twisted image. The most expensive Bond film to date, with a budget of $13 million, this was also the first Bond movie to utilize an entirely original storyline, taking only the title of author Ian Fleming's novel, as Fleming himself felt this particular book was unsuitable for a cinematic adaptation. This rare British quad would make a magnificent addition to any Bond collection.
- Year: 1977
- Nationality: Original British Quad
- Condition: Linen-backed
- Size: 30 X 40 Inches
- Product Code: P1031

Spy Who Loved Me, The (1977)