Jewel Of The Nile, The (1985)
Original British Quad (30 X 40 Inches)
Novelist Joan Wilder (Kathleen Turner) is living with adventurer boyfriend Jack Colton (Michael Douglas) on his yacht. But she leaves when Omar (Spiros Focas), the head of a North African nation, asks her to visit his country and write about him. Jack intends to go on a pleasure cruise to Greece, but when he learns that Joan is a pawn in Omar's quest to polish his image and gain greater power, he partners with continent-hopping criminal Ralph (Danny DeVito) in a quest to free her.
- Year: 1985
- Nationality: United Kingdom
- Condition: Unfolded
- Type: Original British Quad
- Size: 30 X 40 Inches
- Product Code: P2308

Jewel Of The Nile, The (1985)