Close Encounters of The Third Kind (1977)
Original One Sheet (27 X 41 Inches)
The road leads into uncharted territory as flying saucers land on Earth. Prior to this film cinematic history dictated that alien life-forms must present a threat. Steven Spielberg explores the theory that man-kind should make contact with the alien life-forms in order to establish their intentions on the assumption they may be friendly. Wonderful special effects and an unforgettable musical score by John Williams.
Roy Neary, an Indiana electric lineman, finds his quiet and ordinary daily life turned upside down after a close encounter with a UFO, spurring him to an obsessed cross-country quest for answers as a momentous event approaches.
- Year: 1977
- Nationality: United States
- Condition: Folded-as-Issued
- Type: Original One Sheet
- Size: 27 X 41 Inches
- Product Code: W4635

Close Encounters of The Third Kind (1977)