Lady From Shanghai (1948)
Original 2 Foglio (39 X 55 Inches)
Less than a dozen known copies exist for this poster. Anselmo Ballester (1897-1974) created a masterpiece when he painted the artwork used on this striking poster. Rita Hayworth becomes one of the screen's ultimate femme fatales as she seduces Orson Welles, an Irish sailor, into a bizarre and convoluted murder plot. Welles directed this film as well as casting his wife, screen beauty Hayworth, in the lead role. Hayworth was known for her auburn hair, but for this role, Welles had her dye her hair blonde. To this day, the film is still considered one of the greatest film noirs ever made
- Year: 1948
- Nationality: Italian
- Condition: Linen-backed
- Type: Original Italian 2 foglio
- Size: 39 X 55 Inches
- Product Code: T5758

Lady From Shanghai (1948)