Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961)
Original 4 Foglio (55 X 79 Inches)
This stunning Italian 4 - foglio shows off a beautiful portrait of Hepburn by one of the best artists in the business, the incredible Ercole Brini. Already long since established as a star, Blake Edwards' rendition of Truman Capote's novella elevated Audrey Hepburn into the cinematic icon she is today. Though Capote originally protested Hepburn's casting, strongly advocating that Marilyn Monroe should get the role of his bubbly socialite, Hepburn turned in one of the most memorable performances of her lifetime, more than worthy of her Oscar nomination. This is a very rare Italian poster from the first release in 1961.
- Year: 1961
- Nationality: Italian
- Type: Original Italian 4 foglio
- Condition: Linen-backed
- Size: 55 X 79 Inches
- Product Code: T5757

Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961)