Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961) - FRAMED
Original US Insert (14 X 36 Inches)
Looking at this lovely image of Audrey Hepburn, it's hard to believe she almost didn't play the part of Holly Golightly. Writer Truman Capote wanted his good friend Marilyn Monroe for the role, but by 1961 Monroe had developed an infamous reputation for being difficult on the set and director Blake Edwards was not willing to accommodate the star's unpredictability. Instead, the part went to Hepburn, a move that elevated her to iconic status. A film filled with so many fine cinematic elements, its posters are always in high demand including the insert format.
- Year: 1961
- Nationality: United States
- Type: Original US Insert
- Condition: Paperbacked
- Size: 14 X 36 Inches
- Framed Size: 19 X 41 Inches
- Product Code: T5707

Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961) - FRAMED