Invasion Of The Saucer Men (1957)
Original US One Sheet (27 X 41 Inches)
Fifties science fiction is populated by monsters and aliens. These fantastic creatures, state-of-the-art in their time, now appear strangely dated, especially on the screen where the limited special effects often produced monsters that were more risible than terrifying. But the poster artists free from technological limitations, were able to preserve the full splendour of the scriptwriters’ weird wonderful imaginations. And “Invasion Of The Saucer Men” with art by Albert Kallis is one of the best examples of the genre.
- Year: 1957
- Nationality: Original US One Sheet
- Condition: Folded
- Size: 27 X 41 Inches
- Product Code: P1237

Invasion Of The Saucer Men (1957)