For A Few Dollars More / Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu (1966)
Original Italian locandina (13 X 28 Inches)
Franco Fiorenzi Artwork. Never did Clint Eastwood, nor anyone else, imagine that a series of "Spaghetti" Westerns would shoot the actor from a B-rated television star to an international A-list sensation. Sergio Leone's gritty take on the tired American genre replaced the stuffy morality tales of yesteryear with unrelenting action, catching up to the desires of modern audiences bored with the idealised Hollywood version of the Old West. Artist Franco Fiorenzi captures a great likeness of Eastwood's character both in image and attitude, the trademark sneer of his no-name gunslinger a perfect portrayal of his grizzled persona.
- Year: 1966
- Nationality: Italian
- Condition: Folded-As-Issued
- Type: Original Italian Locandina
- Size: 13 X 28 Inches
- Product Code: T5726
For A Few Dollars More / Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu (1966)