Schindler's List (1993)
Schindler's List 1993 Universal Rolled One Sheet (27" X 39.5").
Stephen Spielberg asked the legendary Saul Bass to submit a poster design for this film, who was 73 at the time. Ultimately, it would be the subdued work of artist Tom Martin that would be chosen for the film's release. Martin's muted but effective image had a hand reaching down and holding a child's hand, with the list superimposed over them. Bass had a more dramatic and actually horrific take on the subject. It must have been deemed too strong an image for the movie public to endure. In the Bass poster featured here, a torn remnant of "the list" is impaled on spiky barbed wire, surely in symbolism of the names Schindler couldn't save, and the unspeakable fate that would befall them. It's a fascinating contrast of ideas in terms of promoting a blockbuster Hollywood epic, but luckily a few of this limited run of posters survived, most going only to industry insiders, as the Bass posters were never released to any theatre. Supposedly only 200 were printed.
In German-occupied Poland during World War II, industrialist Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazis.
This is a rare Saul Bass designed poster for this film.
- Year: 1993
- Nationality: International/United States
- Condition: Single-Sided Unfolded
- Type: Original Advance One Sheet
- Size: 27 X 40 Inches
- Product Code: W3498