Party, The (1968)
Original 4 Foglio (55 X 79 Inches)
While trying to tie his shoe, bungling extra Hrundi V. Bakshi (Peter Sellers) unwittingly triggers explosives that destroy the set of an epic war film. The furious director tells executive Fred Clutterbuck (J. Edward McKinley) to fire him. Because of a misunderstanding, Bakshi instead mistakenly receives an invitation to an exclusive party at Clutterbuck's Hollywood mansion, where he proceeds to wreak havoc on partygoers as he stumbles through what will become the wildest night he's ever seen.
- Year: 1968
- Nationality: Italian
- Condition: Folded-As-Issued
- Type: Original 4 Foglio
- Size: 55 X 79 Inches
- Product Code: W5300

Party, The (1968)